There was,
was a point when
I no longer shied
from an incommensurable fact.
The woman and my
love for her had
together conspired
to eliminate me.
when I first thought in
this fashion I held
back from speaking.
On one
hand it was, simply,
outrageous. How could
it be possible, intention
And on
the other, if I spoke it
would end all
possibility of amicable
relations and I still des-
perately needed, could
not bear it to be
otherwise. No, I
said, no end to
amicable relations:
Or I die.
What kind
of love is
Clearly insane. But I
had said
that if my
future did
not include
her I would
prefer death.
And so it was.
Clearly insane. But my
children and friends
worked mightily to
beat back the beast.
And I compromised.
If I died it would be
well and if I lived it
would be well, and
all manner of thing
would be well (said
Hildegard). And I
trusted Hildegard.